İngilis dili müəllimləri üçün: Comprehension Strategies

Tarix: 29.03.2022

Comprehension Strategies

Reading without comprehension or understanding is not reading. Many children can pronounce words fluently but when asked what they have just read, they are unable to respond. Although they may score high in terms of reading rate or fluency, they are not really good readers.

What makes a reader a good reader? A good reader is someone who has a purpose for reading, whether it is to look for specific information or to read for pleasure. A good reader is involved in a complicated thinking process as she or he reads. There are strategies that we can teach children to help them become purposeful, active readers. Research has shown that readers who receive explicit instruction in these strategies make significant gains on reading comprehension tests. These strategies include setting purposes for reading, making predictions, monitoring reading and realizing when something is not making sense, questioning during reading, making mental pictures of what is being read, drawing on prior knowledge, understanding story  structure, and summarizing what is read.

These strategies help make the reader make connections between the text and what they already know. The following suggests ways to help readers make use of these strategies as they read.

Make Predictions

Predictions encourage active reading and keep children interested, whether or not the predictions are correct. Incorrect predictions can signal a misunderstanding that needs to be revisited. Instruct   children:


Many children think visually, using shapes, spatial relationships, movement, and colors, and can benefit greatly from visualizing what is happening as they read. Instruct children:

Ask and Answer Questions

Having children form their own questions helps them recognize confusion and encourages active learning. Instruct children:

Many children don‘t understand where to find the answers to the questions they are asked. They need to know that some questions can be answered by looking in one specific place within a book, while others are answered by taking information from several places often spread over several pages. Some questions require combining text information with personal knowledge and experience, while others rely only on the personal knowledge of the reader. Help the child decide on the type of question and where the answer can be found.

Retell and Summarize

Retelling or summarizing all or parts of the text in children’s own words clears up language issues. Retelling challenges them to aim for complete retention. Summarization allows children to discriminate between main ideas and minor details.

Using a graphic organizer such as those provided by Reading Tutors reinforces the structure of a story and aids in a child’ s retelling. When the child is familiar with a typical story structure, it helps support her or his reading of the text.

Connect the Text to Life Experiences, Other Texts, or Prior Knowledge

Connecting a text to children’s prior experiences and knowledge helps them personalize the information. It also helps children remember information when they link it to their lives.

Instruct children:
